Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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Item type metadata to follow during merge of civil models

Our client has a requirement for a single native DGN, however this needs to have nested 'civil model' dgn's merged of which all contain metadata. currently this is dropping off some of the civil expression items i.e this.GetElement().MeshSurfaceEntity_Depth. These merged DGN's are currently the single source of truth for each submission. Hope you can get this actioned.

  • Shayne Gillespie
  • Jul 14 2023
  • Shayne Gillespie commented
    January 29, 2024 06:13

    Daniel, OK-gotchya. Its specifically related to OpenRoads models being merged and sometimes losing items...i.e the MeshSurfaceEntityDepth. Cheers- SG

  • Admin
    Daniel Bishop commented
    January 26, 2024 15:04

    Sorry, I don't think this is something that could be handled by the Entitlement Management portal. If you can tell me which product this request relates to, we'll try to get it onto the right team's backlog.