Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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API, PowerShell or AzureID to automate entitlement and allocation groups

It would be ideal to get a way to automate the entitlement and allocation groups. As it is right now it has to be done manually, which is not really useful for larger accounts.

  • Tine Lai Andersen
  • Sep 6 2023
  • Tine Lai Andersen commented
    January 29, 2024 07:24

    Yes, I can see it now it's possible to use AD groups for entitlements too.
    I asked on a Bentley webinar seminar if it was possible but got the answer no ;)

  • Admin
    Daniel Bishop commented
    January 26, 2024 15:00

    Thanks for the feedback. Can you elaborate on what you would want to automate? If it's the users in the groups, there are already solutions to that through either Identity provider federation or using the bulk update tools in User Management.