Subscription Entitlement Ideas

Welcome to the Bentley Subscription Services user feedback site. We value your feedback, and our team regularly reviews your ideas and considers them for future improvements to our products and services.

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License checkout tool limit within license limit

Currently its a nightmare to administer license of bentley to users if they are trying to operate with their licensing budget, not all company can afford extra license to be purchase and some company like us is trying to operate within our budget and this licensing implementation is only forcing everyone to buy more license than what they need it to be causing extra for company that are trying to survive in this days. if its possible to get the licensing management interface to notify users of license number is reach.

  • tommy francisco
  • Sep 14 2023
  • Already exists
  • Admin
    Daniel Bishop commented
    January 26, 2024 14:56

    This already exists in both the Bentley Licensing Tool and in Entitlement Management. You need to configure Alerting for the product you're trying to control and set the threshold to the appropriate value.

    Please take a look at our documentation in Communities for Alerting:

    License Alerting