Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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List all Firms that use Bentley products somewhere on this site

Roughly 15 years ago the split between Bentley : Autodesk products use was about 50/50 . Nowadays, and since the advent of BIM the split has shifted greatly in favour of Autodesk (in case Bentley hasn't noticed). It can be estimated at Bentley /OBD /MicroStation 5% : Autodesk Revit 95%

This dwindling usage of Bentley products has been going on for a long time and implies that opportunities are becoming increasingly scarce, especially in the UK.

When you consider projects that use Bentley products however, Bentley usage still accounts for the lion share of construction costs, maybe as high as 70%. This is if you consider HS2, Transport for London, Thames Tideway tunnel, etc etc, all projects costing billions. However the vast majority of other projects are now all Revit driven.

It would be useful therefore for the Bentley Website to display a page with names and categories of firms that still use Bentley products, possibly with an opt out option if the said firm did not for some reason want to disclose this information.

  • Jide Awosika
  • May 1 2024