Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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Bulk Checkin

It would be beneficial to have the option to check in multiple licenses at once instead of one by one, since we are able to check them out in bulk, would like them to check them in the same way.

  • Cassandra Goodnough
  • Nov 2 2020
  • Already exists
  • Cassandra Goodnough commented
    January 06, 2021 16:04

    Thank you for the response. We have had a few instances where a consultant firm has sent us a list where their users are getting new machines so there are multiple licenses that need to be checked in at once and it makes it easier having the ability to do so.

  • Admin
    Daniel Bishop commented
    January 05, 2021 19:20

    Check-ins would generally need to be done from the machines when and if they do get connected again. Otherwise, the check-out will be removed when it expires. I don't really understand the need to check-in licenses in bulk.

    That said, the new check out page that available as a Preview right now does give you the ability to do multiple check-ins at the same time. I wouldn't expect the admin to be checking in very many at the same time through this new page, but maybe it's good enough for the purpose you're looking for.