Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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Clarification on checkin message

It would be help to have more information on the checkin message that pops up after you checkin a message. Information such as: who was the user, machine, what licenses. Instead of just a message that says it was checked in.

  • Cassandra Goodnough
  • Nov 2 2020
  • Cassandra Goodnough commented
    January 06, 2021 16:10

    You are correct. I guess I should have asked that the checked in license be removed from the list right away. Right now if I check in a license, it stays on the page until I refresh it and most of the time, we are going down the list checking in multiple licenses due to computer refreshes or them requesting updated software.

  • Admin
    Daniel Bishop commented
    January 05, 2021 20:14

    Thanks for the feedback. Can you just clarify one detail? Isn't that information already displayed on the item that you chose to check in?