Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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Allow the use of Global Entitlements thru Federated Entitlement Groups

Now having the ability to use Azure Active Directory Groups from our organisation and being able to federate these with the Bentley IMS to help manage our Entitlements, we've hit a stumbling block as an E365 account where all of the Entitlements we wish to manage are Global but the synchronized Azure AD groups are required to be associated with an Entitlement country.
Our Azure AD groups are not country specific and nor are our Global Entitlements, hence we want to avoid having to create separate country based Azure AD Groups and having to figure how we allocate our users to these at an Enterprise level.

  • Neil Ford
  • Dec 21 2021
  • Neil Ford commented
    12 Apr, 2022 11:17pm

    Thanks Daniel is the issue well understood or is there the opportunity to help collaborate and understand if our requirements are aligned with the intended use of both Entitlement Management and AD Group sync?

  • Admin
    Daniel Bishop commented
    22 Mar, 2022 12:36pm

    Hi. Thanks for providing this feedback. We'll get something into our backlog to provide better support for managing the Enterprise licenses through groups.

  • Neil Ford commented
    10 Feb, 2022 08:29pm

    To add to this, we're unable to interrogate the Synchronized group via the Entitlement Management interface, the group appears but it's no selectable and does not appear to reflect the Entitlement country. We have users sync'd from our Azure AD group that are from different Counties to the Entitlement Group but there's no indication if this Exception will be adhered to. Screenshots attached, we'd be happy to walk these scenarios thru with someone to help us effectively manage our Entitlements from an Enterprise perspective?