Subscription Entitlement Ideas

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Restrict users for exceeding licences

Nobody wants an overage fee. How can we prevent overages from happening. Is there a way to restrict users once your licence limit has been reached? If not, there should be. Generating a report telling us we over the limit is useless. Prevention is the key.

  • Guest
  • May 18 2020
  • Jindrich Arlet commented
    27 Feb 14:20

    I wish there was a way to lock down maximum usage. Only an administrator can allow usage beyond the purchased licenses and only to specific people.

  • Simeon Diaz Diaz commented
    November 12, 2024 09:47

    It is very important that the administrator has the control to manage the number of licenses available per application. Even if the user sees a warning it won't be enough to be sure we aren't exceeding the number of licenses owned.

    It is necessary that Bentley adds the option for the administrator to limit the number of licenses used. If that option is no available, bentley should assume the cost of the extra licenses used not the customer.

  • Dan Sobota commented
    November 11, 2024 17:07

    I do agree, Wish there was a way of just locking the max usage. anything above the warning gets a lock

  • David Brunet commented
    November 07, 2024 11:53

    Adding one more company to the growing list, needing a way for an admin to have more control over the users license usage and have the ability to disallow users to exceed licenses.

  • IT Administrator commented
    October 09, 2024 13:00

    It seems to me that if your system has no problem with providing a warning immediately that a term license will be used, that with a limit set just like the warning limit, it could be configured to stop. I have educated my staff on managing this and they still just blow past the warning and don't care if we are using term licensing. They just have deadlines to meet. This results in overages beyond our budget. We manage license usages with a 3rd party application that has its own set of challenges and sometimes fails that leads to unplanned overages.

    No other software company that we deal with has this way of doing business. Our company spends a great deal of money on Bentley licensing, I think Bentley can afford this kind of development. It seems like Bentley doesn't want to do something like this because it's a cash engine. So, let's all speak up!

  • Chris Perry commented
    October 02, 2024 21:28

    I am recommending to my customers that they discontinue use of Bentley products.

  • 弘毅 段 commented
    September 12, 2024 00:44

    After the user presses the agree button, the money is paid to Bentley. The administrator has no means to refuse or disagree with this behavior. The administrator is a joke.

  • Alan Neumann commented
    August 09, 2024 13:52

    It's really sad to see this topic is from 2020. This is the first software we've ever used in our big company (3200 people) which has this strange policy & behavior. It's won't be hard to implement a lock. I agree with comments saying it will traduce in user's discomfort and finally their move to other industry options. Also, why would one pay for a "select" program if the license isn't really "floating" and it might mean a huge bill for undesired use?

  • Akito Tabata commented
    August 05, 2024 03:05

    End users without decision-making authority are not allowed to order additional licenses, so Bentley should immediately add a setting (option) that allows administrators to lock this ability.

  • Bently Isevil commented
    July 30, 2024 17:28

    What gets me is Bentley cannot see what is happening. Their crooked scheme to rob their customers with overage fees have persuaded them to avoid Bentley products. As an IT administrator I am doing everything in my power to persuade the firm to look elsewhere for software solutions. This is why Autodesk and CSI are doing so well when Bentley is falling behind. If the admin cannot convince the firm to steer clear of Bentley software, they would sabotage the use of the software to move the engineers to other products. Year after year, budget meeting after budget meeting, our dependency on Bentley products is dwindling. Very soon it will be zero and we can finally kill the account. IT administrators of the world, unite! Do the same and send a message.

  • IT Dept commented
    July 16, 2024 07:28

    It is a shame how Bentley treats their customers. Having the possibility to control the license usage, it is not technically difficult to block overusage, but Bentley treats their customers just as plain revenue sources. We recently declined to participate in a Customer Experience Markenting event for sharing our projects using Microstation, because the bad user experience.

  • Mark Garand commented
    June 20, 2024 20:36

    As a new Bently user I was immediatly shocked to see that it woudl be possible to inadvertanly exceed license usage without the ability to control it. Please consider correcting this.

  • Sonia Lodovichetti commented
    May 09, 2024 12:34

    As a licensee of your product, we believe that it is mandatory to have efficient license management to avoid overages and optimize resource utilization. We need Bentley to implement restrictions on license exceedance. This proactive measure is imperetive in preventing unnecessary charges and ensuring optimal utilization of our licenses.

  • James Reed commented
    April 16, 2024 19:28

    Bentley needs to include a way to limit not only owned (perpetual) licenses, but term licenses as well. I am in a small company with 5 users in 3 different offices. Three of the users are 80% of the time. We use our 2 OpenRoads licenses (perpetual licenses), and generally hit a 3 licenses as a term license. Trying to manage all 5 to not hit a fourth license (a second TL) is what I am trying to achieve. Can't imagine how difficult it is for more users than that in a larger outfit. Needs to be set up to allow a company to limit all license types, by number, by the administrator.

  • Kip Ping commented
    March 14, 2024 15:31

    I'm not surprised at all that the count is to 207. I've been complaining about this for years including an hour long discussion with a VP years ago who admitted it is not the industry norm and is not a good solution for the engineering software we use (RAM products).

    We use Softrack to eliminate the overages. It is well worth the small cost since it makes the licensing work the way virtually all other network licensing works - you set the license limit and it prevents the users from opening an overuse. The guys there are very helpful and will even assist you in setting it all up after initial purchase. Since we installed the software Bentley tried on two occasions to bill us for overages they claimed we had. The guys at Softrack helped us provide logs that proved Bentley's accounting was wrong and we had not overused licenses. We sent that info to Bentley and never heard about it again. One wonders how many times their overages were wrong when I didn't have proof we didn't overuse.

  • NAT Helpdesk commented
    March 13, 2024 15:40

    I am very surprised that Bentley has received feedback from 206 companies with a clear mandate to change the unsatisfactory situation, but has not yet offered a solution.

  • Abdul Basit commented
    February 15, 2024 05:02

    License must not issue without Admin Approval. User acknowledgement should forwarded to admin for approval.

  • Rob Thompson commented
    January 24, 2024 20:01

    We have resorted to using a 3rd party product called Softrack to manage our Concept use. It requires that "agents" get installed on PC's where users could potentially use the product, and a manager on the server keeps track of whether a seat is available. Seems to work pretty slick once setup. It costs, but not as much as the Bentley fees...

  • Jordi Vázquez commented
    November 28, 2023 13:23

    In my company we have impossible alerts for license usage limits. We have 3 perpetual licenses, 3 users and it warns us that we are going to exceed the use of licenses..... The answer is let's look at web analytics. Thank you

  • Isaac Loebsack commented
    October 19, 2023 19:02

    We have a system of dedicated computers set up to remote into to restrict usage, but with the 10 minute usage interval there are occasions where overages will occur based on the number of licenses we have. A setting to now allow term license usage would be the most effective way to prevent the quarterly term license invoices.

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